By Susannah Centlivre
July 22, 2019
Colonel Fainwell and Anne Lovely have fallen in love! However they have four major obstacles to conquer before they can get married: Anne’s four guardians, who must all agree to the match by order of her father’s will, and these guardians are so different from one another, that it seems impossible for them ever to come to a consensus. But Colonel Fainwell is determined to win her! And so, as his name suggests, he will visit each one of them in disguise, mimicking their personalities; A Quaker, an Old Beau, a Silly Young Antiquarian, and a Stock Broker. First performed in 1718, this very funny play celebrates its theatricality, and presents us with a delightful satire of religious hypocrites, aging playboys, silly young men, and greedy financiers.
Jordan Bellow
Brian Dykstra
Ron Bopst
Rae Wessel
Julia Baker
Michael Keyloun
Dan Daily
Aisha de Haas
Margarett Perry