The RAC Brings Trojan Women to Rikers
Fall 2019
In the fall of 2019 we performed a four actor version of Trojan Women by Euripides for the inmates on Rikers Island. We partnered with The Just One Foundation, and Tommy Demenkoff, The Director of Arts Education at The New York City Dept. of Correction. The Just One Foundation’s mission is to bring music and the arts with the message of recovery to communities most in need. Performances have been brought to treatment facilities, community centers, schools, public demonstrations, as well as jails and prisons. Our other partner on this project was Emily Allen-Hornblower, and with her we brought this play to two groups of inmates, performing in the areas where they live. They laughed with us, they listened, and they got the story. We followed up with an amazing talkback led by Emily. It was an intense day but one we will always remember.
Robin Leslie Brown
Rachel Botchan
RJ Foster
Bradford Cover
Talk Back/Dramaturge
Emily Allen-Hornblower